Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Create A Killer eBay Listing

Want to learn how to sell on eBay? Maybe you already sell on eBay but find that your auctions are lacking viewers, watchers, bids and interest in general. Today I've taken the time to write this article on how to make that killer eBay listing. There are lots of steps involved in an eBay listing, so lets get started.

1) The Title of Your Listing The title of your listing is incredibly important. Your title will determine your main keywords that allows your listing to come up when people search. For example, if your title is "Sony PlayStation console", when somebody searches "Sony PS3 80gb", your listing is not going to come up, or it could possibly if you have put those keywords in your description, but it would be on the last pages. This is why you should fit as many popular keywords to do with your product your selling in your title. Although, make sure it still looks good. More popular keywords in your title means getting into more search results. eBay allows you to use 80 characters in your title. so if you were selling a used 80gb Sony Ps3, this would be the title I would use:

"Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 Console 80GB Excellent Condition"

I have used capitals at the start of each word and put PlayStation 3 as well as PS3. As some people will search one and some the other. This title is detailed enough and yet I had many characters left over.

2) The Details / Features of The Item This section isn't difficult, just make sure you tick all the features the item your selling has, and any accessories included with it. This will make it clear to viewers what they are receiving if they win.

3) The Pictures The picture(s) are extremely important in producing a successful listing. After you listing appears in search results, people will be drawn to looking at all the pictures of listings, if yours does not have one, or it isn't of good quality, they won't be tempted to click on the listing. To take a good picture, you will need to mess around with the camera for a while. I always find myself taking 10 photos before getting one that I'm happy with. for the best results, use a good quality camera, take the picture in lots of light and try and get as close as possible so that everything just fits in the picture.

4) The Description Your listing description is the point where you are telling viewers about your item, giving them all the details and trying to convince them to bid on it or buy it. The trap that many sellers fall into, is that they are too aggressive when producing their description. If you browse through listings on eBay you will find that some descriptions say things like; "PAYMENT MUST BE MADE BY PAYPAL WITHIN 24HOURS", or "NO TIME WASTERS". Sellers use capital letters to try and get their message across but really they are just scaring away potential buyers.

The best way to produce a description is to be casual, explain nicely what your selling, what is included and what condition everything is in. Do not use words that make the condition of your item sound slightly worse or better than it is. Just be completely honest. Leave a line between each section. For example:

"Your items name" (space) "What it does" (space) "Condition"

And so on. I have started to place everything in the middle of the page, as it looks a lot nicer I think.

If you are a reseller, and are selling multiple items brand new, you won't need to write as much and try to be more formal, but still polite.

On any description, for my entire time I have been selling on eBay, I have been using words at the end such as "thanks for looking", "any questions just ask" and "happy bidding". I don't use all of them on one description but I am being polite and encouraging buyers.

5) Your Starting Price This only concerns auctions. Obviously if you are producing a buy it now listing you have the price that you want people to pay. For an auction, people have different views of what to start their listing at. I personally start all my auctions at 99p, and have always had success. In my experience auctions that are started at 99p always go for more in the end than auctions that are started at just below what the person wants for it. 99p auctions will get more attention at first due to the low price and in most cases, towards the end of the auction a bidding war will start. Auctions starting at high prices will not get attention because people immediately think they can get it for less. Therefore in the end, it will possibly get 1 or 2 bids. 99p auctions will have many more bids than this and end up going for more because people have started to bid on this item and they are determined to win it. Maybe they don't want to spend time looking for another auction as good as this, or they just get carried away with bidding. In the end, better results are achieved. I do not recommend reserve prices as people will get bored of trying to bid over the reserve price or will not even bother in the first place.

6) When to Start / End The Auction Again, people have different ideas of when to start and end their auctions. However I have never ended an auction on any other day than a Sunday. From my point of view, this is when most people will be looking on eBay. Their not at work. Their probably not going to be out. Their most likely going to be at home. I usually start the auction on a Sunday for 7 days so that it ends next Sunday at around 4-8pm. This has always worked well for me so I have not been tempted to change.

Four eBay Money Making Ideas   More People Are Now Shopping At Online Auction Sites   Viral Drop Shipping - Generating More Income From Online Business   Making Money Online Out of Auction Websites - Moving Your Business Online   

What Are Some Good Ways To Make Money On eBay?

Discovering how to make money on eBay can be very liberating, especially if you are actually able to maximize the true potential of this phenomenal sales platform. This is how many individuals with limited start-up monies build thriving small businesses. With the right attitude and the best strategies, you can start earning substantial profits on a regular basis.

You must find affordable ways to maintain a good inventory. If you want to make a lot of money you will have to find something good to sell. Once you determine which goods you would like to place your focus on, you can start looking for some of the cheapest ways to secure a significant amount of stuff. The less you have to spend in order to build your inventory, the less you can charge your customers and the more profits you can keep for yourself.

Sellers do best when they take the time to find out what people are buying the most. There are many different resources that you can use for this purpose. This will help you to stock up on goods that people really want to buy, rather than investing in products that will only draw a very limited amount of buyer interest.

Specializing in very specific market areas will help you to become more knowledgeable about the products that you provide and the people you serve. Rather than simply posting any old item that you think will sell, take some time to find a niche that you are actually interested in. People who shop on auction sites prefer to work with product experts because they know that these sellers will fully understand the nuances of their own products.

Never leave a customer dissatisfied. Each person that you service will get the opportunity to rate you. This review system can either make or break you as a seller. If you are committed to keeping your clients happy and willing to stand behind what you sell, you will be able to develop and maintain and impressive online reputation.

Make every effort to stand out from the competition by offering phenomenal services. Not every seller offers money-back guarantees on their products. If you do, more buyers will be eager to use you when securing new products. As you learn how to make money on eBay you will find that it is really all about building a good reputation as a seller and making sure that people are happy with how you conduct your business.

Four eBay Money Making Ideas   More People Are Now Shopping At Online Auction Sites   Viral Drop Shipping - Generating More Income From Online Business   Making Money Online Out of Auction Websites - Moving Your Business Online   

It All Comes Down to Price

There are two basic types of traders, discretionary and systematic. Discretionary traders attempt to figure out the lay of the land, the supply and demand as well as the macroeconomic and political outlooks on the markets they trade. They assimilate all of this information into an overall outlook on a particular market and synthesize a trading plan from those inputs. Most billionaire traders are discretionary. They are able to discern patterns that are not programmable and they are able to vary their bet size to match the current market conditions and their overall risk profile. Richard Russell, who I mentioned in last week's article, is a discretionary trader. Some more famous names include George Soros, Paul Tudor Jones and Julian Robertson.

Successful discretionary trading has become increasingly difficult due to the global political factors that make us all wonder what tomorrow's world will look like. Will the Euro burst? Will Syria use chemical weapons and catalyze a new Cold War between the U.S. and Russia? These low probability yet, high impact possibilities have made it harder and harder for discretionary traders to try and picture the world two, five or even ten years down the line. This is also the type of timeframe they need to position the billions of dollars that they manage. The net result is that many of the world's largest hedge funds and money managers have been moving to cash. It is becoming increasingly clear that they would rather not invest than try to guess correctly in a world that changes the rules both domestically, and globally by the day.

The mass exodus can be seen in the markets through declining trading volume. Trading volume in all major indices has steadily declined since the market bottom in February of 2009. The brief uptick last September was barely more than half the volume we generated in '09. Both the industry and the government have shaken investor confidence. Three quickly attributable causes are the demise of trading firms like Bear Sterns and MF Global, governmentally imposed restrictive short selling rules and the attack on high frequency trading. These events shake the faith in the system and force participants to the sidelines. Clients need to know their accounts are secure, that their positions pass muster and that bureaucrats won't destroy the laws of liquidity.

Systematic traders base their decisions on black and white rules or algorithms that will spit out the same response relative to the input received time and time again. Many trading systems were built on rules that held fast throughout the 90's and 2000's until the markets collapsed and the government got involved with quantitative easing programs and Treasury repurchases. The government's artificial manipulation of the markets relegated the historical rules of market relationships worthless. Therefore, many of the premises that these mechanical systems had been based on became not only useless but wrong. They became the equivalent of, "GIGO" garbage in, garbage out. The exit of mechanical trading systems from the market has further diminished overall market liquidity.

Manipulated prices by governments and ratings agencies have rendered the inputs of the decision models used by discretionary traders and the mechanical models of trend following systems virtually useless. Ironically, this brings my personal trading philosophy full circle. My discretionary trading came to an end shortly after I left the trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Discretionary pit trading allowed me to vary the size of my trades by being able to read the order flow and allowed me to capitalize on flush trading opportunities. However, a couple of years after returning to Sandusky to raise kids, I began to focus on mechanical trading systems. I understood that the game had changed and I needed new tools to successfully trade from a screen instead of the trading pit. The sole input to many of my early trading systems was simply the price of the market I was trading. The philosophy was, "There is no way I can assimilate all the variables in a market and cross reference the associated data streams. Therefore, I will assume that the fair value for the market I am trading is the last traded price. After all, it reflects all of the variables I'm trying to quantify."

The major advantage to trading systems is that one brain doesn't have process the day's events of the world and attempt to predict how they will impact the market being traded. There are times when a trader will nail a government report number right on the head only to have the market react in a completely different manner than had been expected. It's a hollow feeling to be right and lose money. The primary objective of participating in the markets is to turn a profit. The fewer things make sense, the more important it is to know our own limitations. Mechanical trading may not hold the same potential of the great discretionary traders but it does allow me to grind out an expected profit.

The Gann Technical Analysis of Price Movements   Various Orders in Futures Trading   Reasons Why China Wants Its Citizens to Own Precious Metal   How and Why CFD Traders Fail?   

Third Stage Growth in Agri-Business

The run up in food prices this year has, hopefully, shined a bright light on the oligopoly that controls the world's grain markets. An oligopoly is a market that is controlled by a small number of producers, which allows them to collaborate and set prices for the market as a whole. OPEC is the most common textbook example. The U.S., Brazil, Argentina and Australia dominate the grain industry. There is grain production in every country but these four control the vast majority of the export market. That may be about to change and bring new, long-term investment possibilities with it.

When crude oil topped $145 per barrel in 2008 it was a painful, but simple adjustment to the world's lifestyle. When the grain market soared to all time highs this summer, forcing food inflation on the world's population, the adjustments weren't so simple. The mechanization of the global grain production process places more and more of the world's food production in the hands of fewer and fewer people.

The global grain stores are running at multi year lows, just as they were at the beginning of this U.S. growing season. This summer's drought was the worst in 50 years here. The weather pattern also knocked 13% off of Australia's wheat crop and they're the world's largest wheat exporter. This also led to a nearly 60% decline in their ending stocks over the last three years. The only thing keeping prices in check at the moment is South America's increasing efficiency. Brazil's soy production may surpass the U.S. this year and thanks to their long growing season, double crops of corn are becoming normal.

The global demand growth for coarse grain production has been fueled by the Pacific Rim's meat production industry, rather than by population growth. China's population growth is less than one percent per year, yet their hog market is growing by an average of 3.5% per year. The growth in their agricultural markets for both grains and meats has been astounding, as production of both have shifted from individual farmers on their own land to the mechanized version of agri-business that is the model of the industrial world. Their soybean imports, which are used for feed, have grown from 3 million metric tons in 1997 to approximately 56 million tons this year.

These wheels have been set in motion and will not be derailed by a collapse in the Eurozone or a surprise in our elections. The trends in population growth and the move towards global improvements in diet are really just beginning. The United Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) just reported that global wheat prices for 2012 were up 25%. They added further that source inputs have now caused the price of dairy to rise by 7% in just the last month.

The arguments over who gets their principal back on a Greek or Spanish Bond is far less important to Greeks and Italians than the ability to put food on the table. Food inflation, as a result of the commodity rallies of '07 and '12, was also a primary cause of the Arab Spring. It is far easier to control a population with a full belly than it is to placate a parent unable to stop the crying of a hungry child.

So, where's the trade? The trade starts with slowing global growth and negative growth across Europe. Negative growth will increasingly put the pinch on Eastern European countries like Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia. This is the main breadbasket of Europe and North Africa. Bottom up analysis of these macro trends reveals very large growth potential in several African countries. The

BRIC's have received most of the attention over the last ten years and rightfully so. However, as more and more resources are pulled from African countries for global production, it becomes clear that these countries are also next on the open borders list to develop.

Therefore, using the pending global economic contraction as the setup, I'll be using declines in the stock market to knock the valuations of agri-business stocks like ADM, Monsanto, Cargill, AgroSA, Bunge, Caterpillar, DeutzAG, down and for retail investors to get washed out. There are two important things to take away from this. First of all, I am not a stockbroker. These trades cannot be executed through me. I stand to gain nothing financially from anyone following this advice. Secondly, I believe that we will get an equity selloff similar to 2008 and I plan on being ready to put cash to work in companies that stand to profit the most from the commodity markets I know best in the coming decade.

The Gann Technical Analysis of Price Movements   Various Orders in Futures Trading   Reasons Why China Wants Its Citizens to Own Precious Metal   How and Why CFD Traders Fail?   Sandy's Effect on the Cattle Market   

Aluminium ETF: An Intelligent Investment

The last decade of economic turmoil has very actively shifted investor's focus on to metal industry through equities, ETFs & other investment tools. The stark contrast between supply & demand figures, & a steady growth in consumer & Industrial demand for popular metals & especially Aluminum has established a common fact that Investing in Aluminum Industry is surely a safe bet for seasoned traders, long-term & retail investors alike.

Aluminum, although, once known as a Nobel metal, is now a major economy driver simply because of its unique properties. The lightweight metal is the first choice for Auto & Aeronautic manufacturers. In comparison to steel, aluminum components may reduce the automobile weight by more than 50% & still adhering to the Industry accepted crash standards. It's non-toxic & non corrosive properties has led to extensive use of Aluminum in the Packaging Industry for producing tins, cans & foils or wherever the contact with food is required. Furthermore, due to its superb conduction properties, Aluminum is a primary raw material for the Energy Transmission sector.

Although, Being one of the most abundant elements on the planet, the hurdle is that Aluminum is not available in free-state, rather in an ore comprising of more than 250 minerals, primarily bauxite & Generally 4 tons of bauxite produces 1 ton of aluminum..

Even a casual study into the current scenario of Aluminum mining, production & usage figures reveals a good positive future outlook for investing in Aluminum Industry.

The most prominent price booster for the metal is transportation or Auto Sector in general. USA along with emerging economies like China & India are the major demand markets. China alone accounting for about 40% of the total Aluminum consumption, promises a growth of about 9-10 % each year for the next 4-6 years. Its widespread industrial application leaves no doubt that heavy influx of the metal is required to drive the production. As per Alcoa, World's largest producer of the metal, Aluminum's last year's global demand has grown to 14%, its' highest since 1996 & the current year demand rising to 12%. On the contrary there has been a steady global decline in the inventories of all major Aluminum producers. The Universal Law of Supply & Demand only indicates the sharp surge in the prices. Due to such evident factors Investing in Aluminum is on a definite uptrend today.

From Investor's point of view, Aluminum ETF emerges as quite a convenient option. A flexibility to invest with small amounts & be able to track & trade just like any other equity gives a lot of confidence, even to a first time investor.

Even so, like Silver or Gold ETFs, none of the Aluminum Exchange Traded Funds [Alum ETFs] available today in the market have physical back-ups, instead they have holdings in the major Aluminum mining & production companies. In instances of any rise in the prices of Aluminum, these companies stand for obvious large gains due to their first mover's advantage.

Dabbling with investments in Aluminum Industry & in particular Exchange Traded Funds, backed with rationale data provides a lot of security & confidence for investors compared to the speculation that is attached with equities. For an intelligent investor, who is acting mainly on the facts & figures, Aluminum ETFs present a good investment case, only to be encouraged with a simplistic investment procedure as well. One can start with as low as $1000.The investments can be tracked on a real time basis on the relevant index, and there are easy exit plans, as the units can be traded during normal exchange hours.

The Gann Technical Analysis of Price Movements   Various Orders in Futures Trading   Reasons Why China Wants Its Citizens to Own Precious Metal   How and Why CFD Traders Fail?   

4 Useful Tips for Better Spread Betting

Financial spread betting is a serious trading. Traders cannot just base their success on lucks. This is because trades and positions should have bases, which are from researches, studies, projections, markets trends and appropriate strategies. Aside from these, there are also some tips that traders can employ in order to have a higher chance to earn profits. In this regard, there are at least four (4) useful tips that people can explore. These are about staggering the entry, chart one strategy as well as sticking to the plan and even reading the news.

Staggering Trade Entries

Firstly, what traders can do is to use an estimate entry range and eventually adapt to short term chart in order to come up with a more reliable entry point. This is instead of just aiming an entry at a certain price only. The result of this is that this allows the trader to have a clam position with low risks and staggered entry.

In other words, what this simply means is for a trader to build positions by adding some small bets one at a time. By doing this, people can take advantage of having no commissions to pay when it comes to financial spread betting. This is in contrary to share dealing or trading. Hence, traders better take this opportunity in order to have a greater chance in earning profits.

Chart One Lessons

After entering the trade, players could wait for the market to settle in at least a day. This is before entering the second entry. The strategy here is to make the entry when the market is moving a little against the position, but still within the bearable range. Traders then need to wait for another milestone level in order to place this other bet. However, there is a catch to this. When the position is moving against the trade of the initial entries approaching the lower boundaries of the bearable range, then there is no point of adding more bets to that. If traders will add more bets on the losing positions, then the sure result of this is epic failure.

Sticking to the Plan

Thirdly, another very important reminder for many players in financial spread betting is to always stick to the original plan. This is, in fact, a common mistake for most traders. While this is very basic, some traders still violate this. Well, this is because they get too much excitement as the market become challenging. The tendency of many traders is to change track, most especially when the market moves favorably into them.

Readings Charts and News

Fourthly, but not the least, always getting updates to the markets trends is extremely significant. What traders need to do is to monitor charts and key market indicators to be ahead.

The Gann Technical Analysis of Price Movements   Various Orders in Futures Trading   Reasons Why China Wants Its Citizens to Own Precious Metal   How and Why CFD Traders Fail?   Sandy's Effect on the Cattle Market   

Pointers for Commodity Traders

Commodity traders have to do their homework in studying market trends through the various factors that may be affecting the prices. Although they can predict more or less when they expect the prices of raw materials to rise up or to dip down, there are also forces that they have to consider. One of these factors includes the psychology of traders. They need to know how majority of the traders make decisions depending on the interplay of the various market forces. The best thing that they can do is to be very observant and very keen in determining opportunities that will bring profit instead of going along with the decision of most traders.

There are times when traders based their decisions on what they feel and not on the true result of an analysis that will give them a more accurate hint on how the market will be moving. Some of them are easily influenced by the larger group so when everybody is selling a particular asset, they too will follow suit. However, there is a danger of losing a lot in terms of the profit from the investment especially when the decisions of the majority do not have any solid foundation for its execution.

Commodity traders may also depend on the pieces of information that they are receiving. However, they will have to discern what they actually need and what is actually beneficial for them in rendering trading decisions. Traders have to think about other options like other forms of investments as well. If they are into commodity trading then they can allocate sufficient capital for different assets as much as possible. Traders take a greater amount of risk if they put all of their investment into one type of commodity only.

Commodity traders especially those who are just starting may need the guidance and the expertise of those who have been in this kind of business for a long time. They may also try getting the advice of a trusted wealth management company so that they may know various types of investments that they can make. Those who opt for raw materials have to see to it that they are able to get all information about the commodities that they would like to trade. They will be able to make transactions and win at the same time if they know how market forces may be affecting its price movement.

Whatever forms of investments people make, there will always be risks. They should try to lessen their risks by getting the necessary information, by analyzing the market situation, by rendering accurate prediction and by making the right calls at the right time.

The Gann Technical Analysis of Price Movements   Various Orders in Futures Trading   Reasons Why China Wants Its Citizens to Own Precious Metal   How and Why CFD Traders Fail?   Sandy's Effect on the Cattle Market   

What Is A Roth IRA And Can It Really Help You Avoid Retirement Shock?

What is a Roth IRA? Many people eager to avoid retirement shock often ask this question. And though it may sound complicated, a Roth IRA is a simple retirement savings account which allows you to build a substantial nest egg without having to worry about taxes. This is because the contributions you make to this savings account have already been taxed as part of your income for the year. Once taxed, the money in your account is free to earn and grow. When you reach the age 59 1/2 years of age, you can start taking out withdrawals and never have to pay a dime to Uncle Sam again.

It is possible to create and take advantage of a Roth IRA, either by yourself, or with your husband or wife.

If you go the individual route, you are allowed to put away anywhere up to five thousand dollars every year provided your earnings don't go beyond $101,000. Should your income go over that sum, but remains under $116,000, you can still maintain a Roth, though the maximum contribution amount will probably be lowered pursuant to your income.

If you're married, but have no desire to carry the responsibility of the entire $5000 by yourself, you and your spouse can add equal amounts to the savings account, as long as your entire combined income does not top $156,000.

In the event this combined income surpasses $156,000, but is under $166,000, you are still allowed to participate together. However the maximum amount will be lowered in accordance with your combined earning level.

What is a Roth IRA but a sound financial vehicle that makes it possible for you to earn profits from your IRA investments which will never be subject to taxes.

Sounds unbelievable, doesn't it? But, these tax savings are one of the primary reasons for setting up a Roth.

In truth, any IRA, traditional or Roth, offers a tax deduction. However, with traditional IRAs your annual contributions are not included in your taxable income for that year.

In other words, your contributions are not taxed...that is not until you reach the age of 70 1/2, when the government requires you to starting taking minimum distributions (withdrawals). At that time you will be required to pay taxes, not only on contributions, but on any earnings you've accumulated.

In answering the question, "what is a Roth IRA," it should be pointed out that the minimum distribution requirement associated with a traditional retirement account, DOES NOT apply to a Roth. This means that if you are supporting yourself through other means, and you reach seventy and a half years of age, the funds in your Roth can stay right where they are and go on earning tax-free profits.

And as they say in those obnoxious infomercials, "BUT WAIT...THERE'S MORE!"

Under certain circumstances, if you are the owner of a Roth IRA, it is possible to take early (i.e., before reaching 59 1/2 years of age), tax-free distributions. The only stipulation, besides these special conditions, is that you must have owned this savings plan for at least five years.

The qualifying conditions include disability, having non-reimbursed medical costs, covering medical insurance premiums if collecting unemployment, first-time residence purchase, as well as, eligible education costs.

Every one of these answers to the question, what is a Roth IRA, makes it clear that the benefits of using this account to build wealth for retirement are just too good to pass up.

Provident Fund Withdrawal - Duties of the Regional PF Commissioner   Rules and Regulations For a Self-Directed IRA   Why Investing In Silver Is The Way To Go   Borrowing Money From Your 401k   Planning Your Retirement Investment   The Rules of a 401k Rollover   

Creating Stable IRA Income Out Of Your 401k

When you get close to retirement your needs change from saving to needing a stable IRA income stream. Creating that IRA income stream is really simple but there are so many options that it can be confusing. Making sure you don't make any mistakes in the next 3-5 years is pivotal in keeping you in retirement. No one wants to go back to work and if you set your income stream up correctly you will never be one of those people.

Creating an income stream in retirement is usually done by taking a percentage of your 401k assets. Usually 4-6% is used to provide income. If you have $2,000,000 saved then 4% is $80,000 per year in money paid to you. The idea is to take any extra earnings and add them to your principal balance to increase its value. Then your 4% becomes more income for the next year therefore keeping your money inflation indexed.

A major flaw to this plan is that most advisors use mutual funds and stocks in the portfolio and then sell assets to cover your monthly income needs. They may not actually sell monthly but eventually they have to sell investments to provide income. What happens is the market is down when you need money? Your 4% out could easily become 5 or 6% and you would be losing money.

If this happens in the first 5 years of your retirement, you are going to need to reduce the amount of money you get for the year or years that the market is down. You might have to drop back to $60,000 per year income for a few years or even less would be better from a recovery standpoint.

Avoid The Problem

Avoiding the problem is rather easy if you use an immediate annuity for the first 5 years of IRA income and then a fixed indexed annuity that starts income in year five. In the first 5 years your income will be completely taken care of. You will not need to take any withdrawals from your main asset base and your other monies will grow for 5 years untouched.

Using the immediate annuity takes the market out of play completely. If the market goes down, your income will stay the same. If the market goes up, your other investments will grow! It is the best of both worlds.

The second annuity, a fixed indexed annuity, will grow as well over the 5 years. In year 6, you can turn the income option on and create another stream of income. This annuity would provide IRA income for 5-10 years. You only use enough funds from your 401k to provide the exact amount of IRA income that you need. You leave the rest of your money invested in mutual funds, stocks, or other investments.

Create a stable income stream as the first step of your 401k to IRA income plan. That stability will make the transition into retirement more enjoyable and much safer than using all stock investments. Using this plan, you will never be one of those people that have to go back to work years into retirement.

Disclaimer: Always seek individual advice from a licensed professional. This article is for general information purposes only and is not a substitute for personal advice.

Provident Fund Withdrawal - Duties of the Regional PF Commissioner   Rules and Regulations For a Self-Directed IRA   Why Investing In Silver Is The Way To Go   Planning Your Retirement Investment   

How Do I Choose the Best Retirement Investment?

When trying to choose the best investment board, you should consider your age and the amount of resources you have already put aside. For example, a person who is approaching retirement over the next few years will need a more aggressive investment strategy than 21 years it has done little savings and investment. People who are close to retirement and have already accumulated a significant number of financial assets may find it useful to start investing in low-risk assets like bonds.

Another thing you may need to consider before exploring the options is how much money you have to invest. The investment board best for your situation may be out of reach because of your financial obligations and spending habits. If you are serious about safeguarding our future, you may need to delete some of your debts and draw up a tighter budget so you can expand your options.

If you have a job that offers you the opportunity to participate in a 401k plan, which can be a great retirement investment vehicle for you. This is especially true if you look at the options' plan and find them beneficial. Another advantage of investing in this way is that your employer may be willing to pay all or your investment on a percentage basis. In this case, remember that the funds that your employer contributes are like free money for your future.

Do not worry if you do not have the option of enrolling in a 401k plan. There are other suitable means to invest for retirement. Roth Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) or Roth Ira, are an example. If you are approaching retirement, and you have only a limited number of goods, this is not likely to be the best solution. An IRA is subject to contribution limits that restrict the amount of money you can invest. You may not, therefore, have enough time to reap the benefits of an IRA required.

Another important factor in choosing the best retirement investment strategy is to take the time to get educated. There may be more options available that you realize. Even if they are brought to your attention, you must understand how the level of risk and benefits of any type of investment that is considered.

One of the best advice for choosing the most suitable retirement investment strategy is to seek the advice of a professional. You may be tempted to underestimate the value of the services provided by financial advisers, but their advice can be useful - especially if you're not financial experts. Professional planning can affect the amount of money you invest, earn and pay taxes, and consultants can help you understand how it works.

Provident Fund Withdrawal - Duties of the Regional PF Commissioner   Rules and Regulations For a Self-Directed IRA   Why Investing In Silver Is The Way To Go   Borrowing Money From Your 401k   

The Future of 3D Animation - The Virtual World on Steroids and Life As Simulator

The future of animation is nearly upon us, where you become your own avatar in a virtual world, interacting with characters and becoming one yourself. Let me explain, a few years backy I met an interesting Gentleman at a Coffee Shop, Robert V. Ries, was his name. Bob expressed to me that he felt our life experience was nothing more than a really good simulator which put us into organic bodies to experience the Earthlings Realm and to test our will and strength of character in a variety of situations.

He went on to say that we were interacting with many other is the same simulator. We talked for hours and his theories seemed somewhat far-fetched, although he did go into a long scientific explanation of how this might work. He explained our advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, Electronic Gaming, as well as modern day movies such as Vanilla Sky, The Matrix and Fight Club. We discussed the Department of Defense's Net-Centric Battlespaces where your targets came up in augmented reality and how your night vision and eye-tracking systems became human brain-mind-eye interfaces with the silicon world in a 4D world where you could see below, beyond and 360 degrees.

He explained paradigms of time, space and mind. Additionally I brought up other concepts which assisted the conversation; concepts of NASA's ten screen Air Traffic Control Simulators, Sci-Fi writer Ben Bova's insights on the future of Mars and space for entertainment tourism, Bill Gate's investment in Six Flags Magic Mountain and DARPA's research with mapping of a human life studying the experiences, emails, movies, conversations and events from birth to death.

The discussion in fact went through all the technologies of simulation from truck driving to first responders. It became apparent to me that even if the life experience was not a simulator, well with the rapidly approaching technology, it certainly could be. We also discussed issues of one in a state of animation where their bodies did not move but they remained in the life simulation event, which they had chosen, and their bodies were flipped over and biometrically watched as to prevent entropy; similar to the movie Coma.

We decided that perhaps it would not be such a bad life as you could chose your dream or simulation, rather than facing a reality. Another thought came out of the conversation which is intriguing and that is the use of a human collective of minds of those who were currently in their simulator. Since many parts of the brain would not be used they would be hooked together at a quantum level to work on problems and being fully exercised while the other parts of the brain were fully engaged in the simulator. In fact we determined by lengthening the dreamtime of the participant we could extend their life by ten fold and still borrow some of their brain capacity while idling the body.

We further surmised that we could use brain in the simulator during their pretend dream times and take them down to 1-5 Hz frequency for super immune healing of the body, blood filtration cleaning and ion-therapy. Meanwhile while operating at such low frequencies the mind would be straddling what we perceive as time. We could then send others into the simulator for brief visits to ask questions of the participant to see how their life simulator was progressing, interact with them and then report back the findings and possible futures that their brains had picked up on.

When the person woke up they would feel younger, be in perfect health, be many years forward in their actual life and then return to society free from psychological issues, health issues and in the future. But who would volunteer for this? Rather who might pay for this. Our thoughts were anyone dying of a disease, anyone who could not cope, anyone who felt that they were living in the wrong time period or anyone who really wanted to experience an extreme in life. Extreme pleasure, adversity or challenge seekers would be worthy candidates, also it would be great for offenders of society or prison rehabilitation as they would be donating brain capacity to the collective for important projects, learn a new lesson, be cured of their disruptive behavior and so on.

Our conversation ended abruptly as he noticed he needed to get to the airport top catch his plane back to the UK, although I had not gotten his email address for further dialogue to continue this conversation, perhaps me passing it on to you may be just as good. Think on this for me.

The Future of 3D Animation - The Virtual World on Steroids and Life As Simulator   

The Future of 3D Animation - The Virtual World on Steroids and Life As Simulator

The future of animation is nearly upon us, where you become your own avatar in a virtual world, interacting with characters and becoming one yourself. Let me explain, a few years backy I met an interesting Gentleman at a Coffee Shop, Robert V. Ries, was his name. Bob expressed to me that he felt our life experience was nothing more than a really good simulator which put us into organic bodies to experience the Earthlings Realm and to test our will and strength of character in a variety of situations.

He went on to say that we were interacting with many other is the same simulator. We talked for hours and his theories seemed somewhat far-fetched, although he did go into a long scientific explanation of how this might work. He explained our advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, Electronic Gaming, as well as modern day movies such as Vanilla Sky, The Matrix and Fight Club. We discussed the Department of Defense's Net-Centric Battlespaces where your targets came up in augmented reality and how your night vision and eye-tracking systems became human brain-mind-eye interfaces with the silicon world in a 4D world where you could see below, beyond and 360 degrees.

He explained paradigms of time, space and mind. Additionally I brought up other concepts which assisted the conversation; concepts of NASA's ten screen Air Traffic Control Simulators, Sci-Fi writer Ben Bova's insights on the future of Mars and space for entertainment tourism, Bill Gate's investment in Six Flags Magic Mountain and DARPA's research with mapping of a human life studying the experiences, emails, movies, conversations and events from birth to death.

The discussion in fact went through all the technologies of simulation from truck driving to first responders. It became apparent to me that even if the life experience was not a simulator, well with the rapidly approaching technology, it certainly could be. We also discussed issues of one in a state of animation where their bodies did not move but they remained in the life simulation event, which they had chosen, and their bodies were flipped over and biometrically watched as to prevent entropy; similar to the movie Coma.

We decided that perhaps it would not be such a bad life as you could chose your dream or simulation, rather than facing a reality. Another thought came out of the conversation which is intriguing and that is the use of a human collective of minds of those who were currently in their simulator. Since many parts of the brain would not be used they would be hooked together at a quantum level to work on problems and being fully exercised while the other parts of the brain were fully engaged in the simulator. In fact we determined by lengthening the dreamtime of the participant we could extend their life by ten fold and still borrow some of their brain capacity while idling the body.

We further surmised that we could use brain in the simulator during their pretend dream times and take them down to 1-5 Hz frequency for super immune healing of the body, blood filtration cleaning and ion-therapy. Meanwhile while operating at such low frequencies the mind would be straddling what we perceive as time. We could then send others into the simulator for brief visits to ask questions of the participant to see how their life simulator was progressing, interact with them and then report back the findings and possible futures that their brains had picked up on.

When the person woke up they would feel younger, be in perfect health, be many years forward in their actual life and then return to society free from psychological issues, health issues and in the future. But who would volunteer for this? Rather who might pay for this. Our thoughts were anyone dying of a disease, anyone who could not cope, anyone who felt that they were living in the wrong time period or anyone who really wanted to experience an extreme in life. Extreme pleasure, adversity or challenge seekers would be worthy candidates, also it would be great for offenders of society or prison rehabilitation as they would be donating brain capacity to the collective for important projects, learn a new lesson, be cured of their disruptive behavior and so on.

Our conversation ended abruptly as he noticed he needed to get to the airport top catch his plane back to the UK, although I had not gotten his email address for further dialogue to continue this conversation, perhaps me passing it on to you may be just as good. Think on this for me.

The Future of 3D Animation - The Virtual World on Steroids and Life As Simulator   

The Future of 3D Animation - The Virtual World on Steroids and Life As Simulator

The future of animation is nearly upon us, where you become your own avatar in a virtual world, interacting with characters and becoming one yourself. Let me explain, a few years backy I met an interesting Gentleman at a Coffee Shop, Robert V. Ries, was his name. Bob expressed to me that he felt our life experience was nothing more than a really good simulator which put us into organic bodies to experience the Earthlings Realm and to test our will and strength of character in a variety of situations.

He went on to say that we were interacting with many other is the same simulator. We talked for hours and his theories seemed somewhat far-fetched, although he did go into a long scientific explanation of how this might work. He explained our advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, Electronic Gaming, as well as modern day movies such as Vanilla Sky, The Matrix and Fight Club. We discussed the Department of Defense's Net-Centric Battlespaces where your targets came up in augmented reality and how your night vision and eye-tracking systems became human brain-mind-eye interfaces with the silicon world in a 4D world where you could see below, beyond and 360 degrees.

He explained paradigms of time, space and mind. Additionally I brought up other concepts which assisted the conversation; concepts of NASA's ten screen Air Traffic Control Simulators, Sci-Fi writer Ben Bova's insights on the future of Mars and space for entertainment tourism, Bill Gate's investment in Six Flags Magic Mountain and DARPA's research with mapping of a human life studying the experiences, emails, movies, conversations and events from birth to death.

The discussion in fact went through all the technologies of simulation from truck driving to first responders. It became apparent to me that even if the life experience was not a simulator, well with the rapidly approaching technology, it certainly could be. We also discussed issues of one in a state of animation where their bodies did not move but they remained in the life simulation event, which they had chosen, and their bodies were flipped over and biometrically watched as to prevent entropy; similar to the movie Coma.

We decided that perhaps it would not be such a bad life as you could chose your dream or simulation, rather than facing a reality. Another thought came out of the conversation which is intriguing and that is the use of a human collective of minds of those who were currently in their simulator. Since many parts of the brain would not be used they would be hooked together at a quantum level to work on problems and being fully exercised while the other parts of the brain were fully engaged in the simulator. In fact we determined by lengthening the dreamtime of the participant we could extend their life by ten fold and still borrow some of their brain capacity while idling the body.

We further surmised that we could use brain in the simulator during their pretend dream times and take them down to 1-5 Hz frequency for super immune healing of the body, blood filtration cleaning and ion-therapy. Meanwhile while operating at such low frequencies the mind would be straddling what we perceive as time. We could then send others into the simulator for brief visits to ask questions of the participant to see how their life simulator was progressing, interact with them and then report back the findings and possible futures that their brains had picked up on.

When the person woke up they would feel younger, be in perfect health, be many years forward in their actual life and then return to society free from psychological issues, health issues and in the future. But who would volunteer for this? Rather who might pay for this. Our thoughts were anyone dying of a disease, anyone who could not cope, anyone who felt that they were living in the wrong time period or anyone who really wanted to experience an extreme in life. Extreme pleasure, adversity or challenge seekers would be worthy candidates, also it would be great for offenders of society or prison rehabilitation as they would be donating brain capacity to the collective for important projects, learn a new lesson, be cured of their disruptive behavior and so on.

Our conversation ended abruptly as he noticed he needed to get to the airport top catch his plane back to the UK, although I had not gotten his email address for further dialogue to continue this conversation, perhaps me passing it on to you may be just as good. Think on this for me.

The Future of 3D Animation - The Virtual World on Steroids and Life As Simulator   

Choosing A Career Dealing With Life Insurance For The Elderly

Are you in the insurance field? Do you wish to help the elderly in the society? Do you dream of success in what you love doing? Then, a career in life insurance for the elderly is the career for you. Many people may think that the career may be out of their league, but some have made it through in an easier way than you may expect.

Educational requirements

Employers prefer to hire such agents who have degrees from college, particularly in economics or High school business graduates with the exceptional ability to make sales.

Other requirements

Most states need an individual to have a license and for this to happen, one must complete a pre-licensing course and pass state exams. An individual with the ability to advance and study to become a manager is at an advantage. In a field where you are required to work with the elderly, an individual can acquire many skills that will steer him or her to great leadership.

You should be willing to help others. This means going out to the elderly people and their families helping them know the importance of life insurance for the senior citizens. You should also be committed in doing this work, because dealing with some seniors can be quite challenging. You should desire change for these families.

Have the right attitude and treat others, as you want to be treated. Approach the seniors and the families in a way that will prove that you truly care for them, and that taking up an insurance policy is the best way to go. Having the proper work ethic is also very important, deal with your would be clients in the most professional way, and always seek to improve on how you make your presentations.

You should be at the forefront in meeting the goals of your insurance company. Put a lot of effort in ensuring that you set targets at the beginning of every period, and push yourself to reaching and surpassing them. Selling life insurance for senior citizens can become quite challenging, but when you focus on your goals and aim towards improving your skills, you will surpass your expectations.

You must choose to work hard and maximize your time, so that you become successful. Employers are looking for people who know how to use time wisely and those who will work hard and smart. You also need to have confidence in yourself because the business of insurance will need you to speak to very many people.

Instant Term Insurance Policy - When Should I Go for It?   Options for Whole Life Insurance   

How to Have Cheaper Long Term Care Insurance Costs

There might be a good reason why some Americans do not feel the need or the urgency of availing an LTC insurance plan. But delaying or postponing their LTC plan purchase due to the expensive long term care insurance costs is not a good idea. In fact, this inkling might just put them into bigger financial troubles in the future.

Based on some surveys and studies conducted with regards to the LTC costs in the United States, the monthly premiums and rates of LTC insurance plans continue to go up every year, with at least 12% to 15% increase. The rates may also vary depending on the current medical costs in a certain location where the insurance policy owner would receive his policy benefits. This makes LTC insurance much more expensive two to five years from now and the possibility that some baby boomers could not get their needed and necessary services and facilities for their health requirements is big.

Some people may just opt to delay their plan acquisition simply because they think that saving up is the best way to receive their LTC needs without sacrificing their present and everyday necessities. However, due to the high percentage of price increase of LTC insurance policies annually, they might just find themselves exhausting their personal savings but getting lesser LTC services than what they really need.

It might be a no-win situation for the individual simply because he could lose his entire savings but still would not be able to receive all his needed services and use the facilities that would aid his recovery from certain illnesses or diseases.

This is why it is important for each individual to know the different factors that they could consider in order to have a shot in getting lower long term care insurance costs. They can plan ahead of time and think of the best options that could provide them with their needed services and at the same time, pay for more reasonable and budget-friendly premiums.

Some of the LTC policy options that could lessen the expenses of the public include the following:

1. Benefit Coverage Period - Longer benefit coverage period usually means higher policy premiums. If the individual does not have major health problems, then he can consider getting three to five years coverage from his insurance provider. However, he must still prioritize his LTC and health requirements in order to maximize his insurance plan and address his medical needs.

2. Benefit Amount - Lower benefit amount per use of policy benefits also has cheaper monthly premiums but the policyholder must be aware first of the LTC and medical costs before he decides on this to avoid paying any excess amount that he might incur if ever his benefit amount is lower than the cost of facilities that he used.

3. Waiting Period -This refers to the period wherein the person has to personally pay for the services that he used before his insurance company could provide benefit coverage. Longer waiting period usually has cheaper premiums but the individual must make sure that he can pay for it because he cannot expect any payment from his insurance provider unless the waiting period is satisfied.

Different insurance companies may have different considerations of giving cheaper long term care insurance costs. It would be better if those who are interested in getting one get in touch with their insurance agents now. Remember that proper and early planning, together with right timing are crucial to be able to get the LTC plan that suits your needs and budget.

Instant Term Insurance Policy - When Should I Go for It?   Options for Whole Life Insurance   

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